Ecological treatments for our metal products
Our company has been dedicating more and more resources and commitment to sustainable development for some time now.
Our attention to the sustainable industry is global, in the sense that it embraces, beyond the environmental front, also the areas related to the economy, to the institutional position and of course, to the social sphere.
Our goal is to make our company an ecological enterprise, in order to respect the surrounding environment and deliver a better world to our children.
Sustainable strategies for our production of metal treatments
At GT Galvanotecnica, we believe that a company must adopt sustainable strategies in every segment of the business, for the following reason:
- In 2023 we installed a new 300 KW photovoltaic system on the roof of the company headquarters, in order to implement a significant reduction in consumption and pollution caused by the production of CO2 for our treatments and a concrete energy saving.
- We adopt operational mechanisms that can guarantee "good governance" through transparency, accountability and correct behavior.
- We apply a consumer satisfaction policy by monitoring performance and results.
- We practice true dialogue, capable of producing trust and credibility with stakeholders.
- We are targeting part of our research to identify measures that can reduce the environmental impact of our plants and products for ecological production.
- We take great care of our workforce and are alert to the feedback we get from this industry, so vital to identify the best opportunities for future development.